I wanted to dabble a bit again in digital coloring, and of course this is what I come up with. Mimes Upon a Rainbow.
I love mimes and for some time I've been telling myself "Nancy, if you insist upon drawing mimes, at least have them expressively miming some sort of action." Obviously that has yet to happen. I consider mime to be a highly under-appreciated art form, and I'd like to show my appreciation appropriately, yet I always find myself drawing them as passive and wistful romantics... probably something to do with the lack of color and speech. Perhaps next time will be different, but for now I give you these calm and slightly sultry creatures to look at.
And here is another somewhat-sultry-eyed, digital, candy-colored confection for you, Owls Among Flowers.

Birds and flowers...two more things that I can't helping drawing over and over! This is actually taken from an old sketchbook page of aimless doodles in black rollerball pen. Seemed like it might be a nice drawing to practice digital coloring on, and here we are. I actually started and nearly finished this one months ago and then forgot about it for some time.
For anyone interested in seeing a simplified version of the process behind things, I've created a new set on flickr called Process: Sketch to Final. I think it will be a fun thing to update from time to time, so please do have a look!
Here's today's Sketch to Final:

Visit the Flickr page for a larger view and description, yes?
That's all for tonight's middle-of-the-night post. Off to bed I go!