I'm up way early with some more sketchbookin's! Like I said, it never ends.
More mimes, with so many things to say:

A little lady playing ukulele for a school of snapper:

And some musical frogs and friends:

(If you want more information on these, or just about any of the images posted on my blog, you can just click on them and it'll take you to the flickr page, where I've written a few little blurbs.)
I'm going to make an effort to post more often, instead of throwing a ton of things up at once and then disappearing for weeks and weeks. Hey, there will even be some new things and (a few old ones) other than sketchbook pages in the posts to come.
I've also updated my website with a few things that you've already seen on this blog. I've given the website a tiny redesign, so while it looks almost exactly the same, it's got a bit of a cleaner look now, which makes me happy.
Anyway, I think it's time to kick things up a bit, right? Here we go!